IOT meets Serverless

Speed and agility are the most expected in today’s analytics tools. The quicker you get from idea to insights, the more you can innovate & perform ad-hoc data analysis. I will be talking about how we can use AWS serverless architecture to stream IoT data, managed by python. We can be up and running in …

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Write code for humans, not machines

Any average programmer can write code by sitting hours and hours, pushing themselves through the sleepless nights but what it takes to write a better readable code?Forget about the design patterns, I will be talking ground zero from naming variables to handling errors in your python code. After the talk the audience will know how …

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Don’t just stop with your Fibonacci code

A fun and meme filled lightning talk for university students on whats waiting for them in the software world out there and how to stand out in the crowd. Events: MuPy 2017, Manipal University